Tree Preservation Orders and Right of Way updates
Our campaign is gaining traction! Here’s what we’ve achieved so far.
Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)
On the 11th Oct, one of our campaign volunteers made an application to Bristol City Council for the London Plane and other trees to be protected by TPOs. BCC came back to us yesterday saying that it was at the ‘Order Served’ stage of the process. This means that a site visit has been conducted and specific trees have been identified as having amenity value. It was concluded that TPOs were necessary and the trees have been plotted and classified. An order has now been served on the current landowners.
The good news is that all the trees on the land that is up for sale have been deemed worthy of TPOs, even the Sycamores! BCC will soon make this information available to the general public who will have the opportunity to object (!). The TPOs will then be modified or confirmed and the landowner informed.

Right of Way (ROW) application
A member of our team has completed the application and has written to the current landowners to inform them. This is a necessary requirement. The ROW application has now been submitted to BCC. Another volunteer is collecting the evidence, a labour intensive process. She will meet with a number of long-term users of Nightingale Valley and complete a questionnaire with them.
The good news is, that although the ROW application will take five years plus for BCC to implement, it will be flagged up on searches, hopefully keeping the Pilgrims Path open to all.
Bristol Post have also picked up our story – you can read their article here.