
Nightingale Valley and St. Annes Wood are a haven for wildlife in Brislington. The woods are designated as a Site of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCI) due to their biodiversity.

Animals and plants

The woods are an important home for breeding birds, foxes and badgers, while the brook supports kingfishers, eels and even otters.

In patches of ancient woodland there are plants including wood anemone, dog’s mercury and wood melick. Rare UK species like the black-headed cardinal beetle have also been found.

Get closer to nature

We run wildlife walks and volunteer sessions that can get you closer to the wildlife around Brislington Brook. Join us to spot bats, listen to birds, count flies (to monitor the health of the brook) and more!

You can help us monitor plants and animals in the woods by uploading your own sightings to the iNaturalist app.

Wildlife trail cameras

We have installed wildlife trail cameras to help us see some of the more elusive animals that live in the woods. We’re hoping to record otters, badgers, foxes and deer.

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We’d love to feature your wildlife photos on our website.

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